10 Workplace Security Tips
Every company needs to have a security policy in place to keep employees, equipment and goods secure and safe. Having the right security measures can help prevent and deter burglars or people who intend to enter the property without permission. Security is something to always be concerned about, so take the time to carry out some security checks.
1. Check that all windows and doors are securely locked before leaving and closing the workplace. In the morning, check them again and see if anything is missing.
2. Keep all entrances and exits secure at all times. A combination door lock is ideal for controlling access into a building as a code is needed to gain entry. Or issue either cards, keys or ID badges to regular staff of your workplace. A door access kit is also another way of controlling who can access the building, with a choice of access kits, you can choose the right kit for the correct purpose. This way anyone who doesn't work in the building, will not have access and must go to reception to sign in and be provided with a visitors badge.
3. Make sure you have a good security system. Preferably one that alerts the police or local authorities in event of a break in. Only give the password/code to staff who have legitimate reasons for having it and change it regularly.
4. Also, if you don't already have one, install video systems or CCTV, at the entrances and exits of the complex or building as well as hall ways, stairwells and place were financial transactions will take place.
5. It's not just the building you should keep secure, if you have a car park, keeping this locked and secure is the first step of maintaining high security of your workplace. This is where Dummy CCTV Cameras and Car Park Barriers such as Swing Gates, Bollards & Posts, and Automatic Barriers, come in as they are excellent for deterring unwanted criminal activity over night.
6. If you travel to work by car and leave it in your workplace car park which is open to visitors, double-check that your car doors and windows are shut and locked. Burglars will be tempted to test car doors to see if they are unlocked even in the day.
7. Having sufficient lighting around and in your workplace could be another deterrent to unwanted visitors and discourage break ins. It also will provide security to employees who arrive early or leave late when it is dark.
8. Technology is everywhere and is used all day in workplaces, and it also can be very expensive to fund if stolen or damaged. Laptop and computer security is at great importance, because of documents, files and personal information such as bank details, names and addresses are stored on them. Security cables, Security Shoes and Slippers, also known as clamps, are inexpensive, discreet and prevent laptops and computers from being stolen.
9. Accessing computers and laptops could be very easy for anyone if they are not passworded. Whatever business you are in, keeping documents and personal information safe is vital, so keep your computer and documents passworded.
10. Knowing that your employees understand and know what security measure your company has, is essential to imposing and maintaining security of the workplace. They will need to know who to go to if they have any questions or doubts about a security procedure and what the company policy is and when it changes. This way when a security procedure is carried out, it is done correctly and the member of staff can feel safe about it.