Are You a Motivating Employer?

Posted on August 20, 2013

motivated employeesThe best method of motivation to ensure a person achieves their potential and works hard is, quite simply, reward! While threatening words and punishment might see that the job is completed, words of encouragement and the promise of a well-deserved treat at the finish line will result in a job that has been fulfilled through use of passionate dedication and therefore has been done well. So what kind of employer are you? The type to keep you after hours and make you work through your lunch break to simply get the job done? Or the type to reward you with a Christmas hamper full of treats at the end of a year of hard work? Here are just a few reasons why the possibility of a reward can inspire some of the greatest work...

Moral boost

Nobody likes putting in the overtime to receive nothing in return, and overworked, exhausted employees can cause the atmosphere in the office to diminish and work moral to dwindle. This doesn’t necessarily mean employees will stop doing their jobs, but it can mean that there is the possibility that they might not work as effectively; they simply won’t have their hearts in it anymore. By treating an individual or the team to a treat such as an indulgent hamper after a period of hard work, and promising them such before the start of an important task, the value of the work is likely to improve, as well as the office moral!

Good reputation

When you are head of a company or in charge of a team or individual, it can be difficult to be seen as anything other than ‘the boss’ – and the boss is often shunted from social circles. I’m not suggesting that you start calling your employees by their nicknames and staying out with them until the early hours of the morning, but to simply to be nice. This doesn’t mean that should they do something wrong you must overlook it, but just to show recognition when they do something right. Gain yourself the good reputation of being a friendly, great boss by rewarding your staff when they work well.

A chance to say thank you

There is bound to have been a time when you have valued an employee’s work so much that you would understandably want to reward them in a way that might not be possible, i.e. increase pay or offer a promotion. When this decision is not left up to you or your company cannot physically afford to make such an offer, make sure your appreciation is known by reward that member (or members) of your team with a lavish gift, personal to them. This way, they are aware that their efforts have been recognised so you will be boosting moral, gaining a good reputation and saying thank you – all with one gift!

At Virginia Hayward, we understand the importance of a motivational reward, and believe that by promising a reward that is personal, thoughtful and enjoyable, you can inspire someone or a team or people to achieve their best for both themselves and for you. Good worker morale is imperative whether you are a manager in a huge organisation, or just a small business with a few employees. With a happy workforce, there is no doubt you will reap the rewards in terms of productivity and a decrease in the costs of employee turnover.

Sarah Cumber: Now the Brand Communications Manager at Virginia Hayward, and having had previous experience as a business owner, Marketing Manager, Business Developer and Events Organiser, Sarah has established herself as a well-informed source in both personal and professional gift giving ideas.

Posted in News, Expert Commentary